Planned Giving

十大彩票平台 Legacy Society

学院提供卓越教育的能力需要新的资源来满足学生奖学金和卓越教学的需求. 通过资助教育机会,计划给予影响几代毕业生,使我们的毕业生做好充分准备,进入该地区的劳动力市场,成为我们社区未来的领导者.

遗赠协会认可已设立计划捐献或已在其遗产计划中提供十大彩票平台并已告知基金会此承诺的个人. These donations may be in the form of bequests, life insurance, IRA, appreciated stock, charitable trusts, charitable annuities, a pooled income fund or retirement plan assets.

许多十大彩票平台校友和朋友联系了基金会办公室,了解他们如何通过捐赠或部分财产来支持学院的卓越发展, and thus become a member of the Legacy Society. 我们建议简单地加上一行:我特此遗赠_____美元(或我财产的%)给春田技术社区学院基金会, Inc. of Springfield, MA. 然后请与基金会办公室联系,告知我们您希望被认可为遗产协会的成员. 请放心,学院理解一些捐赠者希望保持匿名,并且根据要求,所有信息将严格保密. 遗产协会的成员鼓励其他人支持我们的学生和学院的成功.

所有的捐献都有资格获得基金会及学院适当程度的认可. 有关命名和表彰机会的更多信息,请致电413 -755-5628与十大彩票平台基金会联系.

Making A Legacy Gift

Please note that the 十大彩票平台 Foundation does not dispense legal or tax advice. 下面提供的信息是概括和列出的,以说明在满足个人目标的同时制作礼物的各种方法. 建议将法律问题交给律师,将税务问题交给律师, certified public accountant or other qualified financial consultant.


你的遗嘱可以包括以下形式的礼物:现金、股票、债券、房地产或个人财产. 在指定家庭成员之后,遗产可以是你遗产的特定百分比.

Retirement Savings

十大彩票平台基金会指定为您部分退休基金的受益人是另一种选择. Be sure to contact the administrator or person in charge of your IRA, profit sharing account or other retirement plan to list the 十大彩票平台 Foundation, Inc.

Life Insurance

你可以用少量的保险费或家庭成员不再需要的已付保单来赠送一份丰厚的礼物.  与你的保险专业人员讨论对你有意义的保险礼物的类型.  将十大彩票平台基金会指定为您部分人寿保险的受益人是另一种选择. 请务必联系管理员或负责您的政策的人员,以包括十大彩票平台基金会, Inc. 如果您的管理员希望包括基金会的税务识别号码,请联系基金会.

Charitable Gift Annuities

You may choose to give the 十大彩票平台 Foundation a gift of money, stocks, 债券或其他流动资产,基金会将定期向您或受益人支付固定金额,直至您去世. A large part of this income is tax-free, and you also receive a charitable deduction for part of the gift. Be sure to work closely with your accountant, attorney, and the 十大彩票平台 Foundation to complete proper documentation.

Charitable Remainder Trust

By transferring assets to the 十大彩票平台 Foundation to establish a trust, you, or a beneficiary, receive a lifetime income. Eventually, the remaining assets of the trust pass on to the 十大彩票平台 Foundation. This gift works well if you need income now. Be sure to work closely with your accountant, attorney and the 十大彩票平台 Foundation to complete proper documentation.

Charitable Lead Trust

You may transfer assets to a trust for a fixed number of years. 所得利息将归十大彩票平台基金会所有,本金将归您或您的受益人所有. Be sure to work closely with your attorney, accountant and the 十大彩票平台 Foundation to complete proper documentation.

Retained Life Estate

如果您向十大彩票平台基金会提供房屋或季节性房屋,您和/或您的配偶保留在您的余生中居住在该房屋中的权利. You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the gift. 当您或您的配偶不再需要该房产时,十大彩票平台基金会很可能会出售该房产. Be sure to work closely with your real-estate advisor, accountant, attorney, and 十大彩票平台 Foundation to establish your future gift.