
十大彩票平台 has partnered with members of the Cooperating 大学s of Greater Springfield (CCGS) to offer joint admissions to American International 大学 (AIC), 湾径大学, 榆树大学, 十大彩票平台学院, and Western New England University.

American International 大学 (AIC)

学生s interested in joint admissions should submit the 联合招生表格 no later than two semesters before you plan to transfer to AIC. If this form is submitted during the proper time period, you may be eligible for a $4,000 per year joint admissions scholarship.


十大彩票平台 students must complete a minimum of 24 semester credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 prior to enrolling at 湾径大学.


Elms works one-on-one with transfer students to determine your choice of major, 转移学分, and how long it will take you to graduate.


十大彩票平台学院 provides each accepted student with a transfer credit evaluation that includes how credits were received as well as which credits are needed to complete a bachelor’s degree.

Western New England University

学生s interested in a major other than Biology, Chemistry, Computer & IT安全, 计算机科学, 工程, 创业, 一般业务, 刑事司法, 数学, 或者程序员, 应该去追求 traditional transfer admissions process. 奖学金 of up to $20,000/year are available.