
爱德蒙P. 加维

十大彩票平台的故事始于1950年,当时的爱德蒙P. 加维当时是贸易高中的校长,现在是普特南. Faye-Marie Bartlett, 我们的一位护理人员, remembered the day when Ed 加维 was driving her up the hill from the School Department to her new position at Trade. 当他们经过十大彩票平台军械库时. 加维对她说:“总有一天它会成为一所大学.当市政府拯救军械库的努力明显失败时, 瑞安市长召集了一个蓝丝带委员会, 包括博士. 加维, to determine the best use for the site in the center of Springfield. 1964年,博士. 加维建立了十大彩票平台技术学院, 一个为期两年的高中后课程, 在贸易的附件中, 为学生在特定医学领域的职业生涯做好准备, 业务, 工程领域. STI迅速招收了400名学生, 而且没有地方容纳更多的申请者, 所以军械库网站将是一个完美的解决方案. 众议员安东尼·西贝利 described Ed 加维 as “talented, 熟练且上进心强, 一个非常接地气的人.” Dr. 加维 was known as a role model for creating a kind and caring atmosphere among faculty and administration and students. His dream was to create a technical school that would be affordable for all; that vision became the largest and most comprehensive community college in Massachusetts.


约瑟夫·J. Deliso,老.

工业家约瑟夫·J. Deliso,老. was crucial in paving the way for the new college at the state and federal levels. 在来十大彩票平台之前, 乔·德利索曾是梅里特公园大道的开发商之一, and built the water system for the 1949 World's Fair on Long Island. 在十大彩票平台, he took over HBA Cast Products and built it into a major industry, 在二战中发挥了重要作用. 为拯救军械库而战, 乔·德利索记得, “People tried to convince Secretary of Defense McNamara that he shouldn't close the Armory, 但他已经下定决心了. 我找到沃尔普州长, 我亲近的人, and suggested making it a community college because of its location and the needs of the people. 沃尔普建议和麦克纳马拉谈谈, 然后预约了, 所以我去了华盛顿和他谈了谈. 我向州长汇报, and Volpe agreed that an educational institution would be very good for Springfield.” Governor Volpe appointed Joe Deliso as the first chairman of the 十大彩票平台 Advisory Board, 从1967年到1981年. He then became the first chairman of the 十大彩票平台 校董会, serving through 1985. 1992年,我们的13号人文楼被命名为约瑟夫J. Deliso老. 大厅. 1993年,Deliso家族成立了约瑟夫·J. Deliso老. 十大彩票平台特聘主席.


查理五世. 瑞安

查理五世. 瑞安 realized that the ideal use of the Armory facility would be as a college. 他说, 从一开始, we felt that Armory Square was really kind of special – resembling a New England college campus, 俯瞰康涅狄格河谷. It was one of the most striking pieces of real estate in the city and beyond. The success of STI at Trade school should be brought down to Armory Square where we could use the other buildings, 让这个东西变得更大, 对该地区的人民更有价值. “从财务角度来看, 十大彩票平台一直在承保STI, 并且已经达到了这个城市所能做的极限. 这里有一个机会, 如果我们能得到政府的支持, 因为这是地区性的, 不仅仅是城市资源. Tony Scibelli很快就意识到了这一点. 从那时起, it was kind of easy – when you have the CEO of the commonwealth and the Chair of Ways and Means working together, 这几乎是肯定的, 所以它从城市手中转移到了国家手中. I really have to say that Ed 加维 was the creator of this school. “The benefits to the Greater Springfield community from 十大彩票平台 have been incalculable. 它创造了就业机会和企业. 随着技术变得越来越复杂, to have a technical community college to help people equip themselves for jobs and growth in technical areas more than we ever anticipated - I was looking at technology in the mid-1960s, 但在过去的50年里,增长是惊人的, 并将继续如此.”


安东尼·米. Scibelli

众议员安东尼·西贝利, 总是被称为托尼, was a member of the Springfield City Council for 12 years before he moved to the state house. 在州议会工作了48年, he was the longest continuously-elected representative in Massachusetts, 事实上, 在美国. Tony sponsored and quickly pushed through the legislation approving funding and authorizing the transfer of 35 acres of Springfield Armory to the state, 这所大学. He helped found 十大彩票平台 so that thousands of young people could get the higher education he never had. 年后, Tony also fought in Boston for the funding for a biological sciences building on campus, and in gratitude the college dedicated the building in April 1988 as 安东尼·米. Scibelli大厅. 学院为托尼举行了悼念活动, 设立了学生奖学金, 并建立了安东尼·M. Scibelli Endowed Chair, 十大彩票平台's first endowed chair, to recognize and foster faculty excellence. 众议院议长George Keverian说, “他的愿景, 他的耐力, and his dogged perseverance in the pursuit of his ideals stand as a beacon for all those who aspire to public office... 他是个名人.“代表. Scibelli remembered, “People always say ‘Hi Tony, thanks for 十大彩票平台.在公共生活中,还有什么比这更好的回报呢?”